On Tuesday 22nd October the Hyndburn’s Woodlands Volunteers were back at Whinney Hill woodland carrying out some maintenance work on the butterfly glade located at the top part of the woodland. The glade has a good number of pollinator-benefitting wildflower species, such as cowslip, Marsh mallow, and eyebright. Maintenance involves using scythes to cut the […]
Spring Hill Primary School – Eco Warriors and Garden Gang Session
On the 23rd June, the Green Team headed over to Spring Hill Primary School to assist with the cleaning up of their forest school. Activities for the day included: Using shovels to remove built up soil from a firepit area. Trimming brash piles and using the cuttings to make habitat piles which promote wildlife and […]
Seed Bomb Making at Bullough Park
On the 19th of November the Green Spaces Team were at Bullough park hosting a seed bomb making event. We had our Prospects marquee set up with tables containing mixing bowls of seeds and air-drying clay. The seeds we used were all native wildflower seeds which were; Corncockle, Cornflower, Corn Chamomile, Corn Marigold, and Common […]
Cutting, Raking and Seed Sowing – Pocket Park
On the 14th October the Green Spaces Team collaborated with the SuperSlowWay project to assist in the creation of a wildflower meadow at the Pocket Park in Accrington. The Green Team used both traditional scything methods and strimmers to clear the area of vegetation, cuttings were then raked off the land to remove as many […]
Eco Conference – Blackburn Rovers Stadium
School Sustainability Conference On the 23rd of June Prospects’ Green Team and Green Mentor projects collaborated at the Blackburn Rovers Stadium taking part in the School Sustainability Conference. The event aimed to raise awareness of environmental challenges among school children by offering relevant activities and learning opportunities. During the event over 100 children visited our […]
Rishton Festival – Hyndburn Academy
Rishton Festival On the 2nd of June Prospects’ Green Team and the charity manager Alison Silvers were in Rishton for a family fun day festival! We hosted a stall teaching people how to make their own bug hotels from upcycled cardboard and hay. The aim here was to show people how they can help wildlife […]
Winter Bird Walk
Outdoor Learning Officer Danielle led a Winter Bird Walk around Peel Park and The Coppice. We saw jays, robins, blackbirds, great tits, magpies, blue tits, long-tailed tits and greenfinches. During the walk we discussed climate change and how changing weather patterns are affecting trees and migrating birds.
AQA in Biodiversity, Air Quality and Horticulture
On 17th November, Outdoor Learning Officer Danielle delivered an AQA in Biodiversity, Air Quality and Horticulture. The session took place at The Prospects Foundation’s Environment Centre on Broadway, Accrington. Everyone who attended got a free spider plant and aloe vera to take home with them. If you’d like to see what future AQAs we are […]
Discover Hyndburn Walks Launch
On Thursday 27th August The PROSPECTS Foundation is launching a series of ‘Discover Hyndburn’ self-guided walk leaflets. The leaflets are aimed at people new to walking, those returning to walking, people new to the Hyndburn area as well as visitors and ramblers wishing to explore Hyndburn and the surrounding areas. They range from shorter walks […]
Keep Safe Near Water
Keep Safe PROSPECTS will share public safety information in relation to keeping safe when you are out and about in public spaces and the countryside. Some of these have already been shared via social media but we believe it is important to repeat them here. Please share the information especially with children and young people. […]
Sustainable Travel – Cycling
PROSPECTS is not running any cycling activities at the moment. We receive regular information from our partner organisations and associates. We share this information via emails, our website and social media. See Positive Spin, Go Velo and Pedal Away below to find out about led cycle rides, adult cycle training and cycle maintenance courses for […]
Family Activities
School Holidays! Most of our young people have been home educated since the beginning of lock-down. Saturday, 18th July is the start of the traditional wakes-weeks in Hyndburn and the start of the long summer school holiday. Since March, several of our partners and national charities have produced educational and fun family activity ideas and […]
The Big Butterfly Count is back
Following the fine spring weather we’ve seen the earliest average emergence of butterflies for the last 20 years. It’s vital that we understand how these weather patterns affect butterflies to help protect them for the future. By spending just 15 minutes taking part in this year’s Big Butterfly Count, you will help Butterfly Conservation understand how […]
Discover Hyndburn Walk Leaflets
PROSPECTS is not currently organising and leading any guided walks. We have considered all the UK Government guidelines and the information and guidance available from the Ramblers and, like many walking groups, we have decided now is not the right time. Our Discover Hyndburn walks are now being written up into self-guided walk leaflets. The […]
Taking Action for Insects
Action for Insects is a campaign led by the Wildlife Trusts, supported by a range of partners who are all determined to reverse the alarming declines in insects and help nature recover across the UK. The Wildlife Trusts hope to inspire and help people take action for insects where they live, learn, work and farm. Just how important are insects to our everyday […]
Energy Conservation
With more people remaining at home for extended periods of time because of the coronavirus outbreak, households may see an unexpected increase in their monthly energy usage. Please do your own research to find out what best fits with your home and family circumstances! PROSPECTS understands the increasing financial hardships facing families and businesses and […]
Canal Towpath Volunteering
Have you enjoyed walking along the canal towpath? Have you thought about becoming a volunteer? Why not join the Hyndburn Volunteer Work-party. May 2019 saw the start of PROSPECTS renewed partnership with the Canal & River Trust (C&RT). We achieved a lot but Covid-19 has slowed things down and there will be a lot to […]
Biodiversity – Plants that Harm
Do you know about INNS – no not places to eat and drink – Invasive Non-Native Species? The plants we are most likely to encounter in Hyndburn are: – Himalayan Balsam – Well established and extremely invasive. Found at moist and semi-shaded places, waste ground, and thin woodlands; but particularly on soft banks by slow-moving water along canal sides, streams […]
Discover Hyndburn Walk Leaflets
Discover Hyndburn Walks We are not currently running a programme of Discover Hyndburn guided walks due to Covid-19. These are normally held every two weeks (March to September) and we visit different places around the Borough. We have hosted walks around Woodlands, Stanhill Village, Jackhouse Nature Reserve, Woodnook Vale & Rothwell Heights and to other […]
Handy Hints and Tips – Article 2
FEATURING – SOAP AND SHOPPING Why soap for hand washing? Here is a useful hand-washing link. Click on the Handwashing poster for more information and more information on NHS handwashing HERE Now some product links… because we want to help protect you and the environment. METHOD – Here is a range of natural products […]