Improving Biodiversity
Improve biodiversity and wildlife habitats means protecting and enhancing local wildlife and plant life. Examples of projects that would fulfil this aim include nature trails, woodlands, stream clearance and wildlife gardens.
Energy conservation
Promote energy conservation and the use of renewables means home and community energy efficiency which could lead to warmer homes and reduced fuel poverty. Examples of projects include energy efficiency measures in community venues and community micro-renewable energy generation using for example biomass, heat pumps, wind, photovoltaics, solar or hydro sources.
Local Food
Increase the production of locally grown food is about increasing access to healthier food which is locally grown and organic. Examples could include community allotments, backyard projects, training and recipe workshops.
Raising Environmental Awareness
Raising awareness of sustainable development issues is incorporated into all our projects and under all themes but on its own refers to information leaflets, signposting, promotion of activities and celebration events.
Sustainable Transport
Encourage greater use of sustainable transport means encouraging more use of public transport, bicycles and walking and recognising the additional health benefits of increased physical activity. Examples of these projects include car sharing schemes, work on footpaths and cycleways, railway station adoption and recycling old bikes.
Waste and Recycling
Increase waste minimisation and recycling is about identifying more ways of reusing and recycling everyday waste and could lead to a cleaner, greener, healthier environment. Examples of projects include community composting schemes, promoting the use of real nappies and recycling restaurant cooking oil.