Alison Silver - Charity Manager
Gemma McMullan - Charity Assistant Manager and Windfall Fund
Robert Gabryszak - Local Nature Reserve Project Officer (Peel Park and the Coppice) working on the Peel Park Pollinators project at Peel Park and the Coppice Local Nature Reserve.
Helen Earnshaw - Community TreeACTION Officer working on the TreeACTION project.
Brandon Cherry - Hyndburn Woodlands Officer working on the Hyndburn Woodlands project.
Sonja Bottomer - Outdoor Learning Officer working on the Outdoor Learning project.
Stephen Hutchinson - Low Carbon Community Buildings Officer working on the Low Carbon Community Buildings project.
Alice Pooley - Brookside Restoration Officer working on the Brookside Restoration project.
Stephen Hutchinson - Low Carbon Community Buildings Officer working on the Low Carbon Community Buildings project.
Alice Pooley - Brookside Restoration Officer working on the Brookside Restoration project.