
The Rishton PROSPECTS Panel was formed in July 1996 and currently has an active membership of 20 of varying ages and backgrounds, all keen to try to do something to improve the local environment and quality of life for the residents of Rishton in a sustainable way.

Panel projects have included the development of a community garden, numerous plantings of spring bulbs, the creation of flower beds and shrubberies, litter picking and the tidying up of overgrown pathways.  The local railway station has been 'adopted' and its surroundings enhanced to try to encourage more use of this public transport.  Many projects have involved pupils from local schools.

The Panel works with statutory bodies such as Lancashire CC, Hyndburn BC, Rishton Area Council, Canal and Rivers Trust and Northern Rail.  It also supports other local community groups, in particular those working with and for young people.  It was the lead group in 2008 for a village entry in Britain in Bloom which won a 'merit' award.

The Panel welcomes support and advice from environmental bodies such as the PROSPECTS Foundation and Lancashire Wildlife Trust.  Funding is sought from numerous funding agencies and grant making trusts.

Panel meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at the People's Centre, Commercial Street, Rishton to review progress on active projects, plan for the future and arrange working parties to initiate new projects maintain completed ones.  Meetings and working parties are open to all with Rishton at heart.

The only limit to what can be achieved is enough members to carry the work forward and willing to give their time free for the benefit of others and at the same time enjoy healthy activity and friendship with like-minded people.

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