Clayton-le-Moors & Altham

The Clayton and Altham PROSPECTS Panel was established in 1996.  Membership is open to any resident or any person engaged in a business with an allegiance to Clayton-le-Moors and/or Altham.  The Panel’s aims are to work together to undertake projects that result in improvements to the way we live as individuals and communities.

In the early days the Panel was involved in a number of projects examples being stream and woodland clean ups, a community arts project, youth cycle races, creation of a community garden dry stone walling, woodland management, installation of an outdoor classroom at All Saints Primary School, work on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, Pickup Street public garden and Mercer Park poppies.

The Panel has undertaken woodland maintenance work at the woodlands off Sparth Road including the creation of three gateway features.  Together with assistance from other Panels they were instrumental in creating the Millennium Baby Woodland on land next to St. Mary’s burial ground off Burnley Road in Altham.

In Altham the Panel has been successful in obtaining funds and establishing a red brick and black granite permanent memorial to the miners who died in the Moorfield pit disaster of 1883.

In 2013 the Panel was successful in receiving a Royal Forestry in Excellence Award for Best Community Woodland for the Woodlands, Clayton le Moors.  They were entered for the Best of the Best in 2014 and achieved 2nd in the Community Woodland category.

Currently, the Panel are looking at various projects along the Leeds & Liverpool canal to improve and enhance the area and towpath.

If you are interested in improving your local community go along to the monthly meetings held on the first Tuesday of each month (with the exception of August and December) at 7:00pm, at the Forts Arms, 1 Lower Barnes Street, Clayton-le-Moors.


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