Hyndburns Woodlands

Hyndburn’s Woodlands NOW LIVE!

The PROSPECTS Foundation is pleased to announce that the ‘Hyndburn’s Woodlands’ website is now live! The website can be found here: https://hyndburnwoodlands.org.uk/ The website aims to be a resource to map, assess and manage the woodland cover in Hyndburn, with information including; condition assessments, timber volume surveys and Ash Dieback monitoring. The website will also […]

Winter Tree Identification Walk – Whinney Hill

On the 17th February the Green Team organised a winter tree ID walk with Prospects very own Woodland’s Officer, Gareth Muir. Attendees learnt how to identify tree species using different features such as twigs, buds, bark, growing habitat and surrounding habitat! This is quite a bit more tricky in winter due to the lack of […]

Spoon Carving, Huncoat East Woodland, Wednesday 15th February 2023

Participants took part in a spoon carving workshop at Huncoat East Woodlands. Sycamore was the wood of the day with participants using a variety of tools including’ froes, sloyds and crook knives to carve spoons. Many of the participants were total beginners and did well to make a useable spoon. PROSPECTS delivers a variety of […]

Half Term Crafting Club Monday 13th February 2023, The Woodnook Centre, Accrington.

February Half term saw the Crafting Club at the Woodnook Centre. Participants took part in natural craft activities including whittling! A skulk of foxes, mushrooms and movable rabbits were the order of the day, using locally sourced hazel wood from Hyndburn’s Woodlands. All made possible as part of Habitats and Heritage – Hyndburn’s Woodlands project, […]

Introduction to Green Woodwork October half term 2022

PROSPECTS delivered an Introduction to Green Woodworking at Huncoat East woodland. The course involved learning about green woodworking tools, using these tools to make a mallet and spatulas from Norwegian Maple and Hazel wood which was felled as part of PROSPECTS woodland management work programme. Woody CIC Volunteer Mark was on hand to demonstrate pole […]

Ash Dieback Works this Winter

PROSPECTS and our friends at Woody Hyndburn CIC will be undertaking Ash tree felling works over the winter months. Ash Dieback is a particular problem in the borough, many trees are affected and can become dangerous as the disease progresses and the trees become weaker. As part of PROSPECTS management strategy across the Hyndburn’s Woodlands […]

August Walks Festival led by the Green Spaces Team

Throughout the month of August the Green Spaces team organised and delivered a series of 14 differently themed walks to encourage people to explore the wonderful outdoor spaces around them and to keep healthy. 5 of which were weekly butterfly survey walks. The walks we organised included: Geocaching Treasure Hunt, where participants followed treasure trails […]

Winter Tree Identification 3

Here is the third of a series of posts to help you identify some common trees in Winter. To see the others  click here: Winter Tree Identification , Winter Tree Identification 2 Winter tree identification is based on the twigs, buds and bark so here is a simple guide to the twigs of some trees you […]

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