HEAL project at Peel Park and the Coppice Local Nature Reserve

Summer 2024 Overview at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR

Like the rest of the UK, we have been experiencing some odd weather, accompanied by some disappointingly low invertebrate numbers. But we are still working hard to improve the site for pollinators. Our summer started like many others do, tackling Himalayan Balsam! We had several sessions of balsam removal around Pleck Meadow to reduce its […]

Butterfly Emergency 2024

Throughout 2024, PROSPECTS has been performing pollinator surveys at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR as part of the Peel Park Pollinator’s project. A huge thank you to anyone who assisted with the surveys, especially during a very poor year for it. We’ll be submitting/analysing all the data over the next couple weeks, but we […]

Spring 2024 Overview at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR

Despite the temperamental weather in April, we still managed to get a lot done on Peel Park & the Coppice LNR. April is the perfect month for planting & seed sowing. We have been planting a variety of different native species to benefit pollinators. We have had a couple Saturday sessions at Pleck Meadow where […]

March 2024 Overview at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR

Spring has brought with it the usual perks, bees, flowers, and milder – albeit still very wet – weather! March is the final month before nesting season when we can remove scrub on the heathland, so we spent a lot of time bringing down colonising Silver Birch for the benefit of Heather, Bilberry, Crowberry, and […]

February 2024 Overview at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR

We have have been a lot busier on the Coppice this month thanks to the milder weather. During February half term, our very own TreeACTION project hosted a session on the site to plant a new Alder Buckthorn hedgerow to attract the Brimstone Butterfly. We also had help from the North Lancs Training Group hospitality […]

Bee and Butterfly Surveys at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR!

It’s that time of year again when we start our Bee and Butterfly surveys at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR! The walks will start on Tuesday 5th March 2024, and will take place every Tuesday @1pm (weather permitting) until September 2024. The transects start in Pleck Meadow and go around the whole site, where […]

Amphibians spotted at Pleck Meadow’s ponds!

After the wetlands on Pleck Meadow were constructed last year, we all waited with baited breath to see whether any frogs, toads or newts would find them suitable enough to call home. This week our anticipation was quenched when, with the help of some plucky, young, litter-picking volunteers, we spotted some eggs in two of […]

January 2024 Overview at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR

The Coppice was not as busy as usual this month with bank holidays and frozen weather slowing down work. Particularly the week of the 15th was very snowy and icy which lead to some sessions being cancelled due to safety concerns. We made up for it other sessions where we continued to clear scrub in […]

Habitat Boxes at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR

Lots of cosy new homes for birds & bats as well as comfy seats at Peel Park & the Coppice LNR! In autumn 2023, WOODY C.I.C. created and installed 30 bird boxes and 10 bat boxes across the site. A variety of different openings for the bird boxes were made so that they will benefit […]

Dead Hedges and Brash Piles – Peel Park and the Coppice LNR

Dead hedges and brash piles are constructed using twigs, branches and other cut vegetation. They form an invaluable habitat for a plethora of species. Invertebrates like insects, woodlouse and arachnids will use the piles to live in and nest. Some important pollinators like solitary bees will use hollow twigs to create their nests. Small mammals […]

Invasive Non-Native Species – Japanese Knotweed – Peel Park and the Coppice LNR

Like many Invasive Non-native Species in the UK, Japanese Knotweed was introduced by Victorian botanists as an ornamental garden plant. Sometimes called “Japanese Bamboo,” due to the visual similarites of its stems, but it’s shield-shaped leaves and purple speckled stems give it a striking appearance. The small white flowers that it produces in summer are mostly […]

Pleck Meadow Path Opening with Mayor of Hyndburn, Cllr Abdul Khan!

On 17th March 2023, a year of planning and development finally came to fruition as the new path and bridge to Pleck Meadow were finally completed! Local schools and members of the public came for an opening walk and witnessed the Mayor of Hyndburn, Cllr Abdul Khan, perform a ribbon cutting on the new bridge […]

Invasive Non-Native Species – Rhododendron – Peel Park and the Coppice LNR

Rhododendron was introduced to Great Britain in the 1800’s by Victorian botanists who were enchanted by it’s gorgeous flowers. A member of the Ericaceae family, along with our native Heather and Bilberry, It was intentionally planted in the wild to provide cover for game species like Grouse and Pheasant. It can easily be identified year […]

Ash tree thinning on Peel Park and the Coppice LNR

Ash trees are currently suffering from a disease known as “Ash Dieback.” The disease, caused by an invasive fungal infection, causes an Ash to lose its leaves and branches, leaving gnarly diamond-shaped lesions on its bark. Eventually the tree loses too many leaves and cannot capture enough sunlight, leaving it to starve and die. The […]

Heathland Management – Tree Thinning – Peel Park and the Coppice LNR

Many people will wonder why we’re cutting down trees when there’s a huge drive to plant more trees. This is a valid thought and people are right to be concerned! However, it’s important to recognise that not all habitats need trees and that, sometimes, too many trees can be a problem. When it comes to […]

Thinning of Larch (Larix) on Peel Park and the Coppice LNR

Larch trees were planted in the new woodlands on Peel Park and the Coppice LNR by Lancashire County Council and Hyndburn Borough Council during the 1970s-90s. The tree is not a native British species as it was introduced 400 years ago for it’s fast-growing timber. The trees themselves are hybrids of two different species from […]

Path and Bridge Construction – Civil Works on Pleck Meadow and Arden Hall

  Following the positive results of a consultation in June 2022, plans for a path from Arden Hall up to Pleck Meadow are now being finalized. The path, indicated by the yellow route on the map, will have two entrances. One at Arden Hall and the other on Pinewood Drive. The rest of the path […]

Invasive Non-Native Species – Himalayan Balsam

Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) is an Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS), it originates from the western and central Himalayas and was first brought over to the UK in 1839 as an ornamental plant to decorate Victorian gardens Shortly after it quickly spread to a wide range of habitats, particularly along riverbanks and in damp woodlands (Tanner […]

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