Free Wildflower Seeds & Bombs for EcoFest 2024!

To get ready for EcoFest 2024, PROSPECTS will be handing out free wildflower seeds.

We will be handing them out at events and in our shop at 54 Broadway, BB5 1EW.

Be sure to keep updated on our events by checking our calendar or signing up to our e-newsletter.

The seeds are a mixture of 26 annual and perennial wildflowers. The annual flowers ensure you get some colour the first year and act as ‘nursery’ plants, shielding the perennial plants whilst they establish their roots and get ready to bloom the following year. Perennial plants can live for many years and will continue to flower yearly. Annual plants will die after one year and will only appear next year if they can get their seeds on to bare ground, so you may not see them again after the first year.

To sow them, you can sprinkle them on to any patch of bareground, e.g., in a pot/planter or on your lawn. Lightly tread the seeds in so that they are covered by soil. If the seeds are in Wildflower Bombs (which we will be making at EcoFest 2024!) then you don’t need to cover them in soil as they will already be protected from birds and rodents by a layer of clay. The seeds can cover an area of 0.5m2 but you can spread them as far as you like. To give your mini wildflower meadow the best chance, choose an area of low nutrient soil. Then once the growing season is over, cut the vegetation and remove it from the area. We do this on a bigger scale at Pleck Meadow.

The wildflower seed mixture is Boston Seeds’ Bees and Butterfly Seed Mix. See below for the full contents:

  • Common Agrimony (Perennial)
  • Borage (Perennial)
  • Wild Clary (Perennial)
  • Red Clover (Perennial)
  • White Clover (Perennial)
  • Corn Cockle (Annual)
  • Cornflower (Annual)
  • Ox-eye Daisy (Perennial)
  • Wild Foxglove (Biennial)
  • Common Knapweed (Perennial)
  • Greater Knapweed (Perennial)
  • Purple Loosestrife (Perennial)
  • Wild Marjoram (Perennial)
  • Meadow Cranesbil (Perennial)
  • Musk Mallow (Perennial)
  • Common Poppy (Annual)
  • Ragged Robin (Perennial)
  • Sainfoin (Perennial)
  • Field Scabious (Perennial)
  • Small Scabious (Perennial)
  • Teasel (Biennial)
  • Bird’s-foot Trefoil (Perennial)
  • Kidney Vetch (Perennial)
  • Viper’s Bugloss  (Biennial)
  • Yarrow (Perennial)
  • Yellow Rattle (Annual)
Free Wildflower Seeds & Bombs for EcoFest 2024!
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