Ash Dieback Works this Winter

PROSPECTS and our friends at Woody Hyndburn CIC will be undertaking Ash tree felling works over the winter months.

Ash Dieback is a particular problem in the borough, many trees are affected and can become dangerous as the disease progresses and the trees become weaker.

As part of PROSPECTS management strategy across the Hyndburn’s Woodlands sites staff and Volunteers will be felling affected trees to ensure the safety of those who enjoy the woods. As always the top priority of Lancashire County Council is the safety of the public with preventative felling appearing to be the most effective means of addressing the issue.

Ash Dieback surveys have been undertaken to identify and mark the trees which will be felled. The resultant timber and brash will be processed on site to increase the percentage of dead wood on site, providing habitat for invertebrates, fungi and everything else! The Survey maps can be found on the individual woodland sites.

As part of PROSPECTS on going environmental education efforts, John Haddon from Lancashire Wildlife Trust delivered a day of training for PROSPECTS staff and volunteers outlining the Trust’s strategy for dealing with the issue.

Natural regeneration of native tree species will take priority over planting, with Ash being effective at self seeding with Ash Dieback resistant individuals hopefully regenerating those woodlands which will be affected.

More information about Ash Dieback can be found on the following websites:

    Woodland Trust:

    Lancashire County Council

    Government Website:

Ash Dieback Works this Winter
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